CrossFit Lite 05/02/16

In a circle:
10 goblet squats
10 reverse lunge with a twist
10 kb swings
10 lunges with elbow to ankle
10 squat (reach up to ceiling)
In a pushup position:
scap retracts and protractions
5 inchworms with downward dog in between
3 minutes: ascending ladder
slam ball jumps
alternating with:
Skill Work:
overhead squats
5 rounds:
5 overhead squats
5 inchworms no pushup
Partner Workout:
(leave half an hour for this)
3000 m row (one partner is rowing, other is resting)
75 partner wall balls
50 alternating burpees
25 alternating box jumps
50 alternating med ball situps
75 partner wallballs


April 25, 2024

In 8 sets, work to a heavy set of 2 deadlifts, not touch and go 5 sets, every 3:00 minutes:10 heels elevated goblet squats10 feet

SWEAT 45 – April 24, 2024

9 Min Amrap BBW50’ Walking lunge 25’ Seal slider 20 sit ups 25’ bear crawl  Every 4:00 x 3 MWG = 12 min5 BB back squats 6 shuttle runs 12


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